When it comes to swing speed training for golf, you can either follow a DIY method, or you can use one of the available swing speed training aids on the market.
No matter which method you choose, either will help you increase your swing speed. I’ve been working on mine over the last couple of years and have increased my driver distance by 40 yards!
It is a very short list when it comes to the best swing speed trainers, so lets jump into it!
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Best Golf Swing Speed Trainers
The Stack System
The #1 golf speed trainer, and the one I’ve been using myself for the last several months, is The Stack System. You can checkout my Stack review here.
Why is the Stack System the best? It’s all about the App & the ability to do both overspeed and overload training! Don’t get me wrong, only having 1 stick and the overall quality are amazing too. But the App…
Grit? It’s all about keeping you accountable. Working out on time, not taking too much of a break between sets, actually pushing yourself…
Key Considerations
The Stack System is one of the most expensive speed training systems on the market. You’ll need a speed device to maximize the benefits, so if you don’t already have one, you’ll be spending closer to $500.
Although it is the most expensive, it really is the “FULL PACKAGE”. The app will keep you on track and optimize your training, maximizing your gains.
If you want the best product available – this is the best choice IMO! If you are apprehensive to spend this much, take a look at one of the others below and trade-in later if you want an upgrade.
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The #2 golf speed training system on the market, the one Jo has been working with, is the Rypstick.
Why is the Rypstick number 2 on the list? It is a high quality one-stick design and they have a decent app that walks you through their workouts, but you’re not going to get nearly the level of high quality from the Rypstick app as you would the Stack app.
Swing Speed tracking can be done in the Rypstick app, you simply enter your current swing speed whenever you’d like and it will show you a chart of your progress over time.
Key Considerations
The Rypstick comes in at a much lower price point and has the single stick design. The Rypstick only goes up to 360 grams (including club), unless you add the 60 gram counter-weight. But the counter-weight is on the opposite end of the club, so I’m not really clear on what the benefit there is.
The Stack can go all the way up to 500 grams (including club). I believe the extra weight from the Stack is important as you work through your swing speed training, and unfortunately this is one area the Rypstick falls short.
Don’t get me wrong, the Rypstick absolutely works and will help you gain speed in your golf swing. It is a quality design and overall a good swing trainer.
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Superspeed Golf Training System
Number 3 on the list are the Superspeed sticks. One of the original overspeed training aids and trusted by just as many professional golfers and amateurs as either the stack or rypstick.
Superspeed sticks are very high quality and they offer a full training program that you can access online for free.
Key Considerations
Superspeed sticks routinely go on sale. When they do, they are the cheapest swing trainer on this list. Although they require 3 sticks, it’s actually not all that bad. If you are using them at home, the extra sticks will just sit off to the side while you train.
For those looking for a budget friendly option, the superspeed golf training system is the best option.
Head-to-head comparison – Stack System vs Superspeed
Additional Considerations
Maximizing your swing speed through speed training requires both overspeed and overload training. This means getting repetitions from both heavy and light weights.
Overspeed training alone will absolutely lead to more speed, so any one of these training devices will help you increase clubhead speed. That being said, the Stack is the only one that offers both.
Regardless of which golf training system you choose, pairing your swing speed training with regular stretching and weight training will help you maximize gains and reduce the risk of injury.
Final Thoughts
No matter which training protocol you follow, you are sure to see speed gains in your golf swing. Each of the speed training devices on this list work! You’ll just have some tradeoffs to consider.
The Stack System is the most expensive, but it allows you to do both overspeed and overload training. It also provides you with access to several training programs that dynamically adjust your workouts based on your performance.
The Rypstick is a much cheaper alternative, but you’ll only be able to perform overspeed training. Rypstick cannot track your progress quite like the Stack, but they also provide you with a workout program that will walk you through step-by-step.
The Superspeed golf training system is the cheapest, when it goes on sale, but you’ll only be able to do overspeed training and the workout programs are self-paced and no tracking capability.
No matter which swing trainer you choose, you are certainly going to see gains in swing speed. Just be sure to do the warmups, stretch, and get proper rest and recovery as you train. Good luck, and feel free to reach out in the comments if you have any questions.
The Stack System
The Best Speed Training System Available to Golfers!
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